As we all know, everybody likes change... scratch that... HATES change. Change brings uncertainty, incongruity and more work, risks we cannot take in the business world. Change challenges our autonomy and forces us to consider that perhaps we weren't doing the 'right thing' before, probably for some time. The fear of the unknown and pure, grade-A stubbornness might be keeping us from progress and is therefore a massive roadblock in our ScaleUp journey.  
Building good and healthy habits is one of those things that will increase the output and overall efficiency in your business (save you time and money).  
Some businesses or more specifically, business owners, might struggle to adopt a good Business Rhythm because they either had no structure to their daily planning before and don't want to change or simply can't be asked to deal with structure or procedure in general. Once you come to realise that change can be beneficial, work on your 'Business Rhythm'. particularly an effective weekly team meeting. This is the ‘lifeblood’ of your business, ensuring that you keep focused and on track with your rocks and priorities. Essentially this is about ‘mastering execution’ and ensuring the right stuff gets done. 
Most businesses will have weekly team meetings already in place – but what we have found is that the majority are very operational based. They tend to focus on client delivery/operations and do not generally include progress against the bigger picture priorities. If you have more than 20 employees in your business, you may have a senior leadership team. Do they have their own weekly meeting separate from any operational team meetings covering key items or larger picture progression? If you are smaller and essentially have one team, then this might serve as a great agenda for your weekly meeting.  
Individuals should be asked for their takeaways (priorities and actions) for the week resulting from the session. If this is run well then it becomes the backbone of an effective Business Rhythm, ensuring we don’t slip on our priorities and actions, the business's priorities as well as enabling progress on issues and opportunities as they arise weekly. 
At BizSmart we constantly witness the benefits of a good Business Rhythm, even on the bottom line. We encourage all businesses to adopt this in the way that suits them best as it makes your life as the business owner and your employees work lives better and more productive. 
If you would like all of the many details and guidelines in regard to Business Rhythm: read this
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