Here are some examples of businesses in Swindon who are growing and why they're thriving. 

Zip Us In - Swindon 

Kate Bell is the founder of Zip Us In. 
It's a brilliant product and is a really great journey that Kate has been on, from literally being off on maternity leave and coming up with an idea and then taking it through over eight years to being in multiple countries having sold 10s of 1000s of units of the main product. 
We hear about her journey where she got the product into Boots early on, how she went around finding a manufacturer for her products because she was literally making it herself and sewing it together with her mother, raising some angel finance and then getting some additional financing, including venture capital investment. 
Kate tells us about all sorts of wonderful things and one or two great examples of things that are just practical examples of things that she wished she'd known at the time and might well have done differently along the way, as well as a trip to Dragon's Den! 

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