Business Help and Advice 

Business Help and Advice 

Where can you get small business advice? 

There are upsides to running your own business – technically your time is your own and you can control your own schedule – but there are harsh realities too. 
Some days you probably feel like you could really do with some small business advice. 
Being responsible for your own business success can be both a thrilling journey and a debilitating one. There is a lot of pressure on you, and if you’re working alone or you’re the sole leader in your business, this can take its toll. 

Help for small businesses is out there! 

It’s important that you – the business owner – stay upbeat and positive, or achieving your goals for business success will be extremely challenging. 
One of the best ways to stay on top of things is to seek out some business support. You may be able to get some of the support you need by joining business networking groups. Often there is a good deal of camaraderie in these groups, and just knowing you’re not the only one with business stresses can help. 

Accessing a business adviser 

It also makes sense to look at working with a business adviser. Most business owners wouldn’t hesitate to pay an accountant, or to outsource the design of their website, but many do resist investing in small business advice. 
But the reality is that working with a business adviser who can guide you, push you, encourage you and hold you accountable will mean you can achieve much more than would be possible alone. 
It’s the “Two heads are better than one scenario” coupled with the fact that an experienced business adviser will be able to help you avoid the pitfalls and mistakes that are a hazard for many business owners. 

How BizSmart can help 

At BizSmart each of our core business advisors runs a SmartBoard – this is a small group of hand-selected business owners who meet online each month to guide and support each other. 
By hosting SmartBoards online, this cuts out travel time and makes this a really efficient way for you to get small business help. 
A highly experienced small business advisor runs each group, to facilitate the business owners in the group in sharing their individual challenges and then giving and receiving advice from the group. 
The reality is that many challenges in business are universal so not only do you benefit from small business help with your own issues, but you will learn from the issues raised by your fellow SmartBoard members. 

The benefits 

You’ll also benefit from group accountability. Each month you’ll commit to several actions, and your fellow members will keep you accountable to ensure you stay on track and keep moving forwards. 
As well as the benefits of being part of a group, every SmartBoard member goes through a strategic business planning exercise to develop a three-year plan and identify their critical paths and actions for the next 12 months. 
How much could you change in your business in the space of a year if you had a SmartBoard in your life? 
Click here to find out more about our SmartBoard service or get started straight away with our free SmartChecker report.